Georgia Investment Network


"As soon as I put in my proposal, I got offers from four different investors within 48 hours! The funding process took less than 2 weeks. I now have the funds to partner with a digital marketing agency and scale my e-commerce business! 10/10 will certainly recommend this site to other entrepreneurs."
Asela M - Mystic Phoenix Fortress LLC

Investor Registration

Important: Please note this registration page is for investors only. If you are looking for funding, please register here.

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Investment Preferences

Investment Range
Specify the minimum and maximum amounts you would be willing to invest (spaces or commas allowed).
$   to  $  USD

What industries do you prefer to invest in?

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 Automotive Products & Services
 Biotechnology & Life Sciences
 Building Services & Products
 Education & Training
 Energy & Mining
 Entertainment, Sports & Film
 Fashion & Beauty
 Financial, Business & Legal Services
 Food & Beverage
 Greentech, Environmental & Eco
 Hospitality, Restaurants & Bars
 Internet, eCommerce & Apps
 IT, Hardware & Software
 Leisure, Tourism & Hotels
 Marketing & Advertising
 Media & Publishing
 Medical, Pharmaceuticals & Health Care
 Products & Inventions
 Real Estate
 Security & Defence
 Telecom & Mobile

What regions do you prefer to invest in?

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 Out of State
 Outside USA

Receive matching proposals from partner sites?

We will use your stated industry and price range preferences to find and email you matching proposals from our partner Dealflow Investment Network sites:

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  USA > California
  USA > Florida
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  USA > New York
  USA > Ohio
  USA > Pennsylvania
  USA > Texas

Email notification preference?
After existing proposals matching your investment criteria are sent, your notification preference is automatically set to only receive new matching proposals.

How would you like an entrepreneur to contact you?
Email  Phone

Investor Details

Describe yourself in 1000 characters or less. You need to convince the entrepreneurs why you’re the right investor for their business. You should try to include the following information:
  • Personal information (e.g. age, marital status, location, etc.)
  • Professional experience (e.g. current positions, previous positions, professional qualifications, etc.).
  • Education (e.g. academic background, academic qualifications, etc.)
  • Investment experience (e.g. companies, industries, amounts invested, etc.)
  • Other value-adds (e.g. experience, expertise, contacts, etc.)
  • Anticipated involvement (e.g. hands-on, advisory, silent, etc.)
  • Status (e.g. individual investor, investment group, broker, etc.)
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Investment Keywords

Optional: Enter keywords describing specific areas of interest (e.g. mobile, social, B2B, healthcare, shoes, golf).
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Disclaimer Agreement

  1. Any equity or loan financing agreement that is ultimately consummated as a result of any contacts made via this website are considered "exempt distributions" as defined by the securities commission on the United States (SEC). This means that there is no government agency regulated "Prospectus Offering" process in effect for any of the opportunities listed here since they are not considered to be public distributions.

    As a result, any investor who uses this site as a tool for locating private equity placement and/or loan contract opportunities must consider themselves an "Accredited Investor" and sophisticated enough to not require the protection afforded by the formal regulatory system and consider themselves defined as such by the guidelines in effect in their place of residence.

    The federal securities laws define the term "Accredited Investor" in Rule 501 of Regulation D (SEC) as:

    1. A bank, insurance company, registered investment company, business development company, or small business investment company;

    2. An employee benefit plan, within the meaning of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act, if a bank, insurance company, or registered investment adviser makes the investment decisions, or if the plan has total assets in excess of $5 million;

    3. A charitable organization, corporation, or partnership with assets exceeding $5 million;

    4. A director, executive officer, or general partner of the company selling the securities;

    5. A business in which all the equity owners are accredited investors;

    6. A natural person who has individual net worth, or joint net worth with the person's spouse, that exceeds $1 million at the time of the purchase;

    7. A natural person with income exceeding $200,000 in each of the two most recent years or joint income with a spouse exceeding $300,000 for those years and a reasonable expectation of the same income level in the current year; or

    8. A trust with assets in excess of $5 million, not formed to acquire the securities offered, whose purchases a sophisticated person makes.


    Investment in new business carries high risks as well as the possibility of high rewards. It is highly speculative & potential investors should be aware that no established market exists for the trading of shares in private companies. Before investing in a project about which information is given, potential investors are strongly advised to take advice from an authorised person who specialises in advising on investments of this kind. Georgia Investment Network cannot advise on the merits or risks of investment and is not authorised to arrange transactions or circulate offer documents under US and State Laws.

  2. I have read and agree to the Website Terms of Use and Acceptable Use Policy.

  3. I understand that Dealflow Solutions Ltd. (parent company of Georgia Investment Network) can in no way be held responsible for what takes place once contact with an entrepreneur has been established.

  4. I understand that it is my sole responsibility to do due diligence on any of the entrepreneurs I deal with.

 I have read and agree with the terms of the disclaimer.


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Featured Proposals

Commercial General Contractor looking for equity investor

Five-year-old commercial construction company experiencing steady growth seeks an investor to help acquire systems and manpower to become an estimating and project bidding powerhouse.



Robotics and Automation company

Our mission is to become a leader in the robotic automation industry. Profitable, providing innovative solutions to a growing customer base. We are seeking financial investment to keep pace with our rapid growth and continue meeting market demands.



Modern Video Game Arcade | North ATL OTP | Regional Expansion Planned

[Top Golf for the Arcade World] ALT-TAB is a social venue for gamers in the Southeast Region. Offering up a huge playspace, 80+ consoles, cabinets, VR sets, and PCs alongside retail and bar. Food provided by local partner restaurants.



Asian Johns

Looking to take my sisters 32 year award winning korean barbecue restaurant make a fast casual version under the Asian Johns brand and go compete with Panda Express on a National Level.



Swet Club LLC

Swet Club LLC, led by Marshall Holmes, aims to transform Atlanta's nightlife with a pioneering concept: an upscale private member club exclusively for the Black community, offering premium experiences and fostering inclusivity.



Musical Group: Acts 10:35/Major Label/Investor/s Proposal Deal Offer

Investor/s Invite to become a financial earning member of Musical Group: Acts 10:35. In their partnership with a Major Record Label/Distribution Deal.



AI Fintech SaaS Investment Earning $1M

Invest into a fast paced growing software solution with over 1,500+ end users that uses AI technology to offer suitable capital to users looking to finance a product and/or service.

